Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas # 4 ...

Christmas Day -we headed back down south for lunch and to spend the day with the family...

This picture just cacks me up. Those who are around C - know he has a face - we call it the "stare down" or there might be a few who call it the "daddy face " but that is a different story... This is what the "stare down " looks like - today it appeared when he thought he might have to share the football...

Carter was happy to see August today -he had a BOY to play with . I was happy to see he was willing to share at some point ...

Yes it is the same duck they are both chewing on- no telling how many times they passed it back and forth ...

Christmas # 3 ....

#3 lead us to Grandma's house Christmas Eve. The weather was cold and windy - but inside was nice and warm and filled with people! Carter loves to dance - and he just thought the way Santa shakes his booty was the funniest thing.

He danced a little with Dad ...

And really he showed off his moves to anyone who would watch...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sox Fan ...

B- Ball - Cude Stlye...

Not sure how I will feel about this nightly ritual as C gets older - but every night he and his dad play basketball - INSIDE the house...

They work on their ball handling ..
They do a few sprints around the island...

They work on their stomach muscles - with a lot of belly laughs ...

And then sit back and appreciate all their hard work - with a nice cold one ... (Oops that was for Dad !)

Our First Haircut ...

So we were starting to get a little shaggy in the back - and the look was getting harder and harder to pull off ...
So off to SnipIt for our 1st haircut...

I'm going to get a sucker for the 1st time - great ! and Grape my favorite flavor...
Hmmm - why does this lady keep messing with me.... not so sure about this ... and then the meltdown happen - which mom missed getting a photo of - bc her kid was "that kid " screaming at the top of his lungs while both mom and dad held him down for the nice lady to finish....

and the end result - a little man emerged (with his first tattoo !)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas #2

So Sunday we did it all over again. Alot more kids and alot more noise - but alot of fun for everyone.

After awhile I kind of got the opinion that C was tired of me snapping his photo during each gift - I felt this was his " really Mom ? again ? " look...

C wanted to show off his stomach "muscles" before going down for a nap ...

But was dressed and smiling for a family photo op....

Christmas #1

This past weekend we celebrated Christmas more than once. Saturday we were able to spend the day with Matthew's family.

Two precious gifts we could not appreciate more this season ...

They were the happiest when the kitchen cabinets got raided for " toys" ....

And C had no problem telling Mia over and over again about the good looking boy in the mirror...
At the end of the night - we figured we got the best gift - this little guy going home with us...

the red eye devil....

is it the devil ?!?

When you wake up with crazy hair - you have to appreciate red eye removal ....

Saturday, December 5, 2009

t.u. Football...

Yes - right now we are suppose to be sitting in the club level of Cowboys Stadium watching the Big 12 Championship Game-- go figure it would snow and all the flights out of Hobby the night before would be canceled. And since neither one of us felt like making the drive - we are watching it at home ... along with this (which makes it bearable -lets be honest -I was just wanting to get away for the weekend- who cares about the game ! )

Yes there will be some maroon bought for Christmas soon....

Let it snow...

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Sunday - Dad and I decided to get a little football practice in...

We focused on my ball carrying ...

Practice deserved a double high 5 ...

And then I worked on a few moves to add to my touchdown dance....


THE Party ....

Carter's Birthday Party was a great day for all --- the weather was great for train rides thru the neighborhood, jumping on the moonwalk, good food, visiting with family and friends.....